While Mission Hill has many devoted fans, from the viewpoint of the WB, its original network, the show did not succeed and thus the show's production was ceased. Besides the unusual scheduling and marketing decisions made by the WB, there were other reasons the show may have failed to catch on.
It was this level of sophistication and subtlety to the writing that while appreciated by the show's fans, may have contributed to the show's downfall. In North America there is a long-standing stigma that animation is targeted towards children. As a result, many viewers who would have understood all the references and caught the subtle jokes, may have avoided the show because of that. And children may not have understood the show's style of humour or appreciated its unusual visuals. "The show was too rarified for television, but perfect for cable. It appealed to a small audience," remembers Bill Oakley. "The Simpsons, everybody watches it, including little kids, if little kids don't watch, you are doomed to obscurity." "Mission Hill has very little for young kids. For teenagers and up, yes, but nothing for the under 12 set," agreed Josh Weinstein in a 2003 interview with Morphizm.com Regardless of the reasons why, and despite its newfound life on cable, Mission Hill did not make it past thirteen episodes, and any future the show has is uncertain at best.